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Health (Stress, Allergies)

My first issue I came to you with was stress.  I have always been given to strive for perfection in all things I do whether it be professional or personal.  This meant a lot of stress in my life as I tried to fix all things broken.  You have given me the ability to control my stress to the degree that I no longer have stress in my life.  This took about 2 weeks.  Before we began our sessions, my stress level was way over a 10 on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the worst.  Now I just get busy but not stressed. This is so wonderful.

Allergies were my second worst misery, and also contributed to my stress, so I was very happy to dump them by the wayside.  This has been a horrible allergy season in my area .  When we began sessions, my allergies were at their worst.  My eyes were constantly running, and I could not use makeup at all. After two weeks of sessions, I was back to wearing makeup, no longer blowing my nose and going on my merry way, while everyone else around me continued suffering in various stages of the dreaded allergy season.  

You were very brave when you also agreed to take on my no sleeping problem.  I usually got about 6 hours a night but it was so broken that I would wake up 2-4 times a night.  Within 2 weeks or so I was sleeping like a baby for 7-8 hours a night.  What bliss!  

What amazes me even more is that I was able to accomplish all this doing sessions over the phone!

Thank you so much!

Linda Lee Smith
Le Roy, MI

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