Deca Tea Wood Container (10 loose teas x 30g)

Price:  $58.26

Deca Tea - a unique hard-wood box with ten small compartments each housing a preciousIndian tea. It holds 30 grams each of Darjeeling, Assam, Nilgiri, Green Tea, Earl Grey, English Breakfast, Masala, Cinnamon, Ginger and Mint teas. (Total Weight: 1140 grams/2 pounds 8 ounces) 

Darjeeling Tea is universaly acknowledged to be the finest tea, it has no equal.

Assam Summer Tips from the Assam region of India this is a flavourable leaf tea, with a high percentage of golden buds

Nilgiri Premium is cultivated high in the blue mountains of southern India. It has a mild aroma, smooth taste and deep golden color. 

Green Tea Organic is made from the unfermented leaf. This makes it different from black teas, where the characteristics of flavour and taste are a result of fermentation. Green teas have a mellow taste and aroma. 

Earl Grey is a fine Darjeeling leaf flavoured with Bergamot oil (a Mediterranean citrus) yields a world famous tea with a delicate liqueur and exceptional fragrance. It has universal appeal. Ingredients: Darjeeling Leaf Tea, Bergamot oil. 

English Breakfast is a blend of fine teas from the hills of darjeeling and Assam, producing a distinctive English brew. Ingredients: Broken Assam and Darjeeling leaves.

Masala Tea is one of the most popular teas from India. Using an Assam tea base, and blended with 7 Indian spices, it is an ideal breakfast tea known for quick rejuvenation. Recommended with milk and sugar. Ingrediants: Assam Leaf Tea, Cinnamon, Cardamom, Black Cardamom, Cloves, Aniseed, Black Pepper and Dry Ginger.

Cinnamon Tea is an exotic blend of Darjeeling leaf tea and natural cinnamon. It is considered to be good for the nervous system and memory, and also beneficial to take when afflicted by influenza or the common cold Ingredients: Darjeeling Leaf Tea, Cinnamon Bark

Ginger Tea is a wonderful blend of Assam leaf tea and natural ginger.A very popular winter tea. Recommended with milk. Ingredients: Assam Leaf Tea,Ginger Root. 

Mint Tea is a blend of freshly dried mint leaves and Darjeeling leaves that yields a highly aromatic tea. Mint tea is an ideal beverage at the end of the day. Ingredients:Darjeeling Leaf Tea. Mint leaves.

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